Mid-Atlantic Opioid Task Force

Capstone project as part of MS in Data Science at Drexel University. This capstone project is focused on Opioid Drug Overdose in USA, especially in Pennsylvania with the goal of creating a comprehensive analysis that includes dashboards, and developing ML models to help emergency forces better prepare for the opioid pandemic, especially during peak times.

  1. Create virtual environment
    python3 -m venv [name]

  2. Change directory to the new environment and clone repository
    cd [name]

  3. Activate the virtual environment running the following command:
    # On macOS
    source ./bin/activate

  4. Clone Repository
    git clone https://github.com/Joeyloganpython/Capstone.git

  5. Run the following command to install requirements:
    pip install -r ./Capstone/requirements.txt

  6. Generate new API Keys (Census, and PAGOV), and store them as environment variables.

    On macOS open terminal and follow instructions below
    • Run the following command:
      open ~/.bash_profile
    • This command will open the file in a text edit. Simply add the following lines to the end of file:
      export CENSUS_API_KEY={Your Census key}
      export SOCRATA_APP_TOKEN={Your Socrata key}
    • Then, save the file and run the following command in the terminal:
      source ~/.bash_profile
    • To make sure it worked run the following command in the terminal:
      echo $CENSUS_API_KEY It should print the key

    On Windows open CMD and follow instructions below
    • Run the following commands:
      setx CENSUS_API_KEY {Your Census API Key} /m
      setx SOCRATA_APP_TOKEN {Your Socrata API Key} /m
    • To make sure it worked run the following command in the terminal:
      set CENSUS_API_KEY It should print the key