Mid-Atlantic Opioid Task Force


For each state, the population estimation and overdose deaths for years 2015 - 2021 were read from CDC datasets. Then, calculated the number of overdose deaths per 10,000 for every combination of state (rows) and year (columns) as can be seen below:

State Level Dataset Sample
Fig.1 - Data Sample


  1. Create dataset
  2. Loop over years starting at the following to the last year in dataset up to the desired year
    1. Loop over states (rows) in the data set
      1. Create features (years) and targets (deaths)
      2. Split data
      3. Initialize Linear Regression
      4. Fit estimator
      5. Predict for the next year
      6. Append the prediction to that state (row) in the dataframe


The results for 4 states are shown below. The graphs x-axis is the years, and y-axis is the count of overdose death per 10,000. The orange graph represent the average of all states, so Pennsylvania and Delaware are predicted to have more deaths than the average, whereas Texas is predicted to have lower deaths.

 Linear Regression Results
Fig.2 - Linear Regression Results
